BMW Autohex HW4

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Autohex II HW4 BMW Full Package

£3,809.90 Including VAT = £4,571.88

Product Code: AHX0005HW4

Siutable for: BMW Technicians who are looking for a tool that can do everything possible in BMW cars

Price: USD 4850.00

Availablity: In Stock, Immediate delivery

Autohex II HW5 and full functions available in BMW from ISN read write to key programming and BMW Ecu programming and coding


Autohex II HW4 Locksmith Package

£2,945.80 Including VAT = £3,534.96

Product Code: AHX0003

Siutable for: BMW Locksmith Technician who is looking to have a total solution for BMW keys programming

Price: USD 3750.00

Autohex II HW4 and all required features needed to program BMW keys for E and F series, solving all cases including all keys lost


Autohex II HW4 Professional Programming

£3,063.63 Including VAT = £3,676.36

Product Code: AHX0004HW

Siutable for: BMW Technicians who are looking for a reliable tool that solve all their Ecu programming and coding problems they may face

Price: USD 3900.00

Autohex II HW4 and all required features needed to change/swap any Ecu (DME, DDE, CAS, KOMBI, DSC,EGS,…) in any BMW model.


Autohex II HW4 Standard

£2,081.70 Including VAT = £2,498.04

Product Code: AHX0001HW4

Siutable for: BMW Technician who needs more advanced functions for his job

Price: USD 2650.00

Autohex II HW4 and Full functions of ISN read and write in CAS, EGS, DME and DDE by OBD, BMW ISTA-D Driver, FA Manager, and Diagnose services


Autohex II HW4 Standard And ISN Tricore Boot Mode

£2,160.25 Including VAT = £2,592.30

Product Code: AHX0002

Siutable for: BMW Technician who needs full advanced solution for ISN read and write

Price: USD 2750.00

Autohex II HW4 and all features included in BMW standard license functions besides the tricore ISN reader